Conducting scientific and applied microbiological research
Development of wastewater treatment technologies for livestock, dairy, meat, petrochemical industries and domestic wastewater.
Development of technologies for cleaning (protecting) boilers, heating networks, heating systems and other closed water circulation systems from scale, rust and biofouling.
An effective way to treat wastewater from enterprises in the livestock, dairy, meat, petrochemical industries and domestic wastewater.

The proposed method is based on the principle of natural self-purification of water.
From the natural environment, associations of anaerobic microorganisms belonging to the group of archaebacteria (more ancient representatives of prokaryotes) were isolated, the distinguishing feature of which, in comparison with other microorganisms used for wastewater treatment from organic and inorganic compounds, is:
the ability to utilize substrates that are complex in composition;
the ability to mineralize complex organic compounds;
increased resistance to toxic substances, independence from natural, economic, energy, human factors.
Compared to traditional cleaning methods, the proposed method does not require the construction of capital structures, operating costs and energy costs. The technical solution provides only for a simple modernization of the existing sewer network, taking into account the designed capacities, their features, the nature and parameters of the flow to create the most favorable conditions for the contact of microorganisms with the processed effluent.



After the introduction of microorganisms for wastewater treatment and its adaptation, subsequent introduction of microorganisms, throughout the life of the system, is not required.
Efficient wastewater treatment
High reliability of the entire purification method due to the lack of dependence of the performance of microorganisms on the composition of the incoming effluent, human, energy and external factors
No energy and operating costs
Does not require the construction of any structures, the use of complex equipment and mechanisms
No need for trained service personnel
High degree of environmental safety


Technologies and equipment for cleaning (protecting) boilers, heating networks, heating systems and other closed water circulation systems from scale, rust and biofouling.
The equipment is a block module installed in the water circulation circuit
heating or cooling systems.
Does not require installation of chemical water treatment equipment;
There are no costs for maintenance personnel;
There are no operating costs (salt, electricity, reagents and equipment for water analysis, etc.);
No chemical flushing of the boiler is required;
Hydropneumatic flushing of heating systems is not required;
The equipment is completely ready for use;
Minimum installation;
Does not consume electricity;
Works with any water hardness;
Unlimited service life;
Completely removes rust and deposits on the inner walls of boilers and pipelines;
It is applied to any heat power equipment with water temperature up to 100 ºС;
Fuel economy for heat generation more than 10%;
Reducing the number of repairs of boiler and pumping equipment by 2-3 times;
Increase in the service life of boiler equipment by 1.5–2 times.